2lmc spool

not cuddly at all

WWDC Coverage Roundup: Panther


WWDC Coverage Roundup: Panther

posted on 2003/06/24 09:39


Well, I was out last night, so I'm coming to this all a bit late.


First off, though, via comments on plasticbag, is sci-fi hi-fi's writeup


He tags one of the instant 'uuuuurgh' points for me; the Brushed Metal Finder.





And what's with that sidebar? Pandering to confused Windows users again?


If your spatial navigation metaphor hadn't been anally raped by Column View you wouldn't need to put in such crap!


At least they've kind of fixed the File dialogs so they don't have to use that accursed view, apparently.


I'm also worried about Exposé, which he likes the look of.


(Sidethought: how many people will bother using the acute accent?)


OK, so it's possibly a nice concept for those people who get confused about window layering layout (not a problem I've ever suffered, but...)


However, it's stealing another three function keys (on top of F1-F6) for Apple. Photoshop jockeys will be upset, as will BBEdit key remappers.


I hope the uControl people (and indeed the bug / feature that means the fn key setting in Mac OS 9 is respected in Mac OS X) will allow it to be kept out of the way.


Or, as John Gruber puts it: Metallic Finder Windows. Good god, shoot me.


Irate Scotsman also seems unimpressed.


'even this inner sanctum has now had its sanctity profaned by the Macromedia Director nightmare that is Steve's "cool" UI'.


Oh yes, he picks up on the return of labels. "Why 2003 will be like 1991".


Dan Hon picks up on the fact that Find now uses live searches.


Brushed metal finder? URGH. I hope the sound of every mac user on the planet vomiting into their keyboard is enough to reverse this awful, awful idea.


I'm amused by Fast User Switching, since it's such a brazen steal from Windows XP.


XP doesn't feel the need to transition users on a giant OpenGL cube, though. Apple do, "because we can". I really hope that doesn't become the rationale for everything in OS X.


A bit late for that, isn't it?


blech reiterates the 'Steve's cool UI' comment.


Yes. Brushed Metal is about as cool as having hot grits poured all over your testicles. And without Natalie Portman anywhere in sight.


Quarter Life Crisis chimes in


A public plea: Steve, thwap, PLEASE smack stop punch using kick that fucking ABORTION of a UI.


QLC picks up on the new option to prompt for password on wake from sleep. That's a glaring local security hole closed.


I'm sure jerakeen would note that there is no such thing as local security, but there's making things easy and making them slightly hard. At the moment it's far too easy.


Quarter Life Crisis / Keynote: I must admit, I couldn't resist watching the keynote yesterday. I hadn't watched keynotes for a while now and...


Michael Tsai's Weblog / WWDC 2003 Keynote: Matt Gemmell has my favorite writeup of Panther and its new metallic Finder. I can’t wait to see how Apple will change the human interface guidelines to suit this whim. Personally, I think it’s time to change the default system fonts and smoothing since (according to John Geleynse) they were specifically designed for striped backgrounds, and stripes are now passé. But metal is just the skin, and what really matters about the new Finder is what’s underneath. Is it fast? Is it buggy? Has Apple actually thought about this design, or is it just another one to throw at the wall to see if it’ll stick? Time will tell, and I’ll be using Path Finder at least until Panther ships. More coverage from around the Web: 2lmc Lee Bennett John Gruber Sven-S. Porst Glenn Vanderburg And some links from Apple: PowerPC G5 Performance Primer Tuning for G5: A Practical Guide Unfortunately, unless they’re saving the news for the Cocoa Update session, Apple apparently isn’t bringing back EOF or fixing the warts in Objective-C. However, they do appear to realize that Project Builder is lacking and are doing something about it. Hopefully they’ll be open about it so that BBEdit and other editors can get context-sensitive symbol completion and lookup. Or, better yet, they’ll open source the developer tools so that the community can help build what it needs. High on my list would be a way to build and embed frameworks without resorting to obscure incantations. They should be at least as easy to use as jars!


[ 1 day, 0 hours later ]


dear god. the trackback spec says 'excerpt'. EXCERPT, people. Sigh.


2lmc spool / 2003/07/15 20:09: Top spool entries


Michael Tsai's Weblog / WWDC 2003 Keynote: Matt Gemmell has my favorite writeup of Panther and its new metallic Finder. I can’t wait to see how Apple will change the human interface guidelines to suit this whim. Personally, I think it’s time to change the default system fonts and smoothing since (according to John Geleynse) they were specifically designed for striped backgrounds, and stripes are now passé. But metal is just the skin, and what really matters about the new Finder is what’s underneath. Is it fast? Is it buggy? Has Apple actually thought about this design, or is it just another one to throw at...


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE