2lmc spool

terse but informative

Homophone of the Day - poured / pored


Homophone of the Day - poured / pored

posted on 2003/08/25 21:18


A comeback for 2lmc's old HotD feature, spurred by a mistake in Good Omens.


poured v To cause to flow in a stream


pored v To look or gaze steadily in reading or studying


She pored over the accounts; he poured custard over the pudding.


[ 0 days, 4 hours later ]


Suddenly, his hand slipped. He poured custard over the accounts.


She looked at him in despair, wondered how she'd ever managed to love him.


As her expensive pen trailed through the yellow mess where profit and loss had been neatly tallied moments before, her mouth set in a thin line of defeated resolve.


She would leave tomorrow, board a plane and never look back. No more unsavoury hairs in the sink, no more late-night wheezy snores, and no more fucking custard.


After she'd left and he'd read her perfunctory, dessert-stained note, he sat desolately in the quiet, dull kitchen.


With no friends to call on, he poured his heart out to the cat. She listened patiently for a few minutes, but her mind was more on the mice scampering around the unkempt garden outside.


Eventually, she padded to the door and pawed at it longingly.


He really needed some form of comfort, but that fateful green-labelled tin had been his last can of sweet, yellow bliss.


He rose from the table, opened the door for the cat and shut it again in her wake. He was truly alone.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE