2lmc spool

a defining example

Panther release date fixed


Panther release date fixed

posted on 2003/10/08 15:14


In the style of the Evening Standard, this spool item has the information you need hidden away, rather than in the headline.


It'll be available on October 24th.



Metal Finder! But only if you show the toolbar!


New Mail! Which we'll not use because it's probably still shit, and because Eudora's dual boot!


Fast User Switching! Like we need that!


A client side countdown! So you can make it completely inaccurate!


Only $129 each, or $199 for a 'family pack'. Alarming, 2lmc qualifies as a family. Bet you're scared now.


That's £ 99 or 149EUR, or £ 159 or 229EUR for the family pack.


Tellingly, the 10 reasons to upgrade seem targetted more at Mac OS 9 users than ones using Jaguar.


Nice Xcode icon, though.



Quarter Life Crisis / Cat out of the bag: OS X.3 is coming before the end of the month. Nice. Fortunately, they adjusted pricing a little bit to reflect the recent weakness of the US$, making prices look...


[ 0 days, 2 hours later ]


I'm not sure why Sven's household doesn't qualify.


Apple's definition ('by "household" we mean a person or persons sharing the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium') seems to apply to 2lmc, though.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE