2lmc spool

terse but informative

Text messages which make you realise your mobile telco are a bunch of utter, utter retards:


Text messages which make you realise your mobile telco are a bunch of utter, utter retards:

posted on 2003/12/01 16:29


From: 194


Sorry from Orange. We accidentally charged you for receiving marketing photo messages. You'll receive a full refund. For more info, go to www.orange.co.uk/info.


Just to recap (are you listening, googlebot?) Orange, the UK's French-owned mobile phone company, are a bunch of shitwits. They can't even send spam without screwing it up so that I'm out of pocket.


I don't care if it's a few pence. It was bad enough I received the rubbish in the first place.


Again for the googlebot, that's Orange, and they're shitwits. Thanks for listening.


To be fair, i called 150 and they stopped sending them


but i had to call 150, because i couldn't read the damn number on the spam


To be fair, I *didn't* call 150 and they've stopped sending them anyway, so I can only imagine that the wrath of God descended upon Orange and reduced all of their marketing drones to gooey little blobs on the office carpet. At least, I hope so.


Infovore / 194 fuck up: I, too, had a similar experience to this. At least they apologised, but it's a bit weak to not only get spam, but spam apologising for spam you can't read when you don't have a phone capable of displaying photos....


[ 4 days, 22 hours later ]


They lied. I got another fucking spam from them this week


sumit :: says / An open letter to Orange Customer Services: Dear Orange, We've had a pretty good few years. It took me a long time to get round to buying my first mobile phone - for so many years they were too big, too ugly, too constraining - but when...


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE