2lmc spool

always forthright

Firefox hate


Firefox hate

posted on 2005/09/15 10:28


I can't use Firefox. Seriously. Every time I try it I shut it down and swap back to Safari within two minutes.


The problem? The first time I open a new link, I get a new window which isn't the full height of the screen, and which is offset ten pixels down.


Note I say "window". I'm still happily trundling on in a world where tabs don't exist.


(One of my main annoyances with Camino is that you can switch off all the tab preferences and it still deigns to view source in... a new tab. Not a window. Let alone BBEdit or another external editor. Sigh.)


Maybe if I joined the Happy Tab World with everyone else I could use it, but I'm sorry, I like windows, and so I expect I'm never going to be able to use Firefox.


I'm sure given ten weeks of ninja training I could figure out enough infrastructure to fix it, but Safari works, and is here, so, er, sorry.


Rant over.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE