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iTunes 5.0.1 on Software Update


iTunes 5.0.1 on Software Update

posted on 2005/09/20 21:43


Nothing yet on the support page, but I'm trying it anyway on the off chance that it fixes the stupid Radio bug.


And indeed it does fix that bug, not that the release note:


iTunes 5.0.1 features several stability improvements over iTunes 5.


would have let you know.


(That's this stupid Radio bug: switching off the Radio source in Preferences > General mysteriously caused shared libraries to vanish.)


No sign of any Mac-hosing events.


It did wipe out my application of the iTunesUnified resource patch, but then that's to be expected.


There's a screenshot of it here.


Applying the patch against 5.0.1 seems OK so far.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE