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Stuff on the Nokia N73


Stuff on the Nokia N73

posted on 2006/04/25 17:56


Part of a brace of phones and deals announced today, the N73 is a 3.2MP camera phone.


Nokia have also signed a deal with Flickr, which is somewhat interesting.


As the Stuff article notes, the N73 is going to end up being compared to the Sony Ericsson K800 (and K790), which I'm still waiting patiently for.


I think the SE phone will be a touch smaller, but Nokia's Series 60 is more capable.


Choices, choices.


Anyway, I await Rui Carmo's commentary with interest.


[ 0 days, 5 hours later ]


Rui obliges with quite a lot of commentary, which I shall attempt to digest tomorrow.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE