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ramblings from the minds of children

Google Maps gets new London imagery


Google Maps gets new London imagery

posted on 2006/10/04 11:14


A quick look around some building sites (they're very handy for this sort of thing) shows that it is, indeed, data from some time in the last 12 months, although given the long shadows it's probably over six months old.


The cranes at New Street Square haven't managed to build much, for example.


On the other hand, 51 Lime Street looks to be coming along nicely.


There's a lack of cranes at the site of 201 Bishopsgate, and Drapers Gardens is intact, so I think early 2006 is about right.


[ 0 days, 5 hours later ]


More news on dating the photo. By a combination of further examination of building sites (thanks to Phil Gyford), ice rinks (thanks Nick) and, most impressively, trig (candace examined the BT Tower's shadow), we've got an estimate of early February 2006, probably the 4th or 5th.


Checking against photos on Flickr seems to show the 5th was cloudy, however. The previous weekend, the 29th of January, coincides with the Chinese New Year celebrations at Trafalgar Square, which would account for the crowds.


[ 0 days, 6 hours later ]


candace just recalculated, taking into account the top of the shadow that's cast on Euston Tower, not the ground. Doing so put the date back a week, to corroborate the other evidence.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE