2lmc spool

not cuddly at all

50% of American 13-year-olds claim to have had oral sex


50% of American 13-year-olds claim to have had oral sex

posted on 2003/06/12 11:06


<sigh> I bet 50% of them claim to have a heroin habit, to have drunk copious amounts of alcohol and be on a 40-a-day fag habit, too.


Thirty seven?


Now, if I was on another channel I'd expect people to have picked up on what that quote is from.


They also know the right number. cough


Yes, blech was off by a good ten dicks. She sucked thirty seven.


...which leads to one of the best moments in the movie...


ftp://www.viewaskew.com/pub/movies/clerks/suck1.mov (Quicktime, 644kb)


And blech, the cheeky bugger, has amended his earlier wrong quote of "Twenty Seven?" to read as the correct number.


Fear those who control the databases, for they can rewrite history.


Quarter Life Crisis / Non-Science Miscellanea: Bad UI I experienced a dangerously bad UI at the cash machine the other day. I inserted my card,...


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE