2lmc spool

ramblings from the minds of children

Dan Hon wants a T610


Dan Hon wants a T610

posted on 2003/07/02 19:30


The was lucky enough to reserve one. Maybe we need to poke him to write it up.


I'm not sure what Dan's problem with the T39m was, by the way.


I love mine. Holds a seven day charge (which is bloody useful anyway, but wonderful on trips).


I managed to make it work again despite forgetfully letting it run through the washing machine. So that gets it bonus points.


The awful text message and interface laggingness


I can't type that quickly and I don't SMS much. But true.


ext:circ / How To Ruin A Perfectly Good Phone: Blech from the Spool wants to know what I've got against the Ericsson T39m. Bluntly: I don't know what Ericsson...


[ 0 days, 2 hours later ]


Reading Dan's reply is illuminating. Yes, the interface is laggy. Perhaps as I'd previously been using a Motorola phone that- get this- didn't look up the name on SMSes, merely showed the number, anything was an improvement.


I also don't use my phone much, don't get many SMSes, and have conditioned my friends not to expect replies.


I'm a pretty bad person to spot UI flaws, in other words. Dan (and Gareth) evidently do spot such problems.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE