2lmc spool

punk as fuck

Cory Doctorow on iCal


Cory Doctorow on iCal

posted on 2003/11/01 13:38


For someone who wrote a book based on the concept of timezones, he seems awfully clueless.


Meanderingly via the worst of the iApps, via Chris Heathcote.


iCal does exactly what I expect when I change my timezone to US/Central (as I would do in three weeks, if I were taking my laptop).


Admittedly this is using iCal 1.5.1, which fixed a lot of timezone stuff. On the other hand, this is a free upgrade, so why wouldn't Cory install it? (Other than the awful metal interface, obviously.)


chaff / iCal and timezones: a dialogue: A short exchange examining how timezone support in iCal works, because Cory didn't get it.


[ 0 days, 22 hours later ]


(Sunday) via Sven, Jon Udell on timezone support in iCal et al.


Mentioned here because I agree with Sven that iCal 1.5.1 has pretty much fixed the issues Udell describes well here.


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE