2lmc spool

a defining example

On Tiger: Wake the fuck up, people


On Tiger: Wake the fuck up, people

posted on 2005/05/05 00:46


The correct response to Apple's OS updatse is "you devious, rip-off fucking bastards", not "Oh, Apple, thank you for this wondrous bounty"


They put in a few nice tweaks. OK. But for the most part this is a bunch of patches to the more glaringly shit parts of the OS. And they do this on a yearly basis whilst charging you through the nose for the privilege.


Seriously, it's worse that Windows, and that's saying something.


(I should point out, I've been thinking this all week, and my rage-ometer has inched a little closer to "rant" with each new sheep-brained piece I've read about Tiger. Rant now over.)


[ 0 days, 8 hours later ]


Oh, we have linkage.


It should be noted that 2lmc sometimes speaks as one, but on Mac issues there's a mix all the way from "people who still miss the original Finder" through "I feel uncomfortable about this, but the Mac is the nicest platform for rapid GUI development I've seen" to "you're all sheep, get the wool out of your eyes" and "I'd like a Mac but every time I recommend one it's back to the shop four weeks later with a dead display/hard drive/motion sensor".


Wow, that came out longer than I was expecting. And if I've misrepresented any of my fellow ex-flatmates, apologies.


Anyway, hitherto is probably justifiably annoyed with the amount of links which I've been dumping to channel (but not, obviously, the spool).


[ 0 days, 6 hours later ]


see, I could be all PC user and go "at least MS are going to roll the funky graphical user and web-services bits back into XP"


but that would being a drone to Bill. As opposed to a drone to Steve


it's kind of dissapointing though it's taken until 10.4 for standardised kernel hooks


getting users to pay while all of that goes on is i dunno, a tad cheeky


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE