2lmc spool

loveable alpha grumps

No more crazy frog... (well, until after 9pm)


No more crazy frog... (well, until after 9pm)

posted on 2005/09/21 21:19


Anyway, the ASA have said they can't broadcast during the daytime.


Which could mean less impacts for us. Given that we're hugely overexposed to these by normal commercial standards


It seems they've banned it because it's aimed at children


like.... all adverts between 4-5pm


and not because it's some devil-related Verisign-evilness subscription scheme


Anyway, back in June, MediaGuardian had this


In May alone, it bought 73,716 spots across all TV channels and spent about £8m, just under half of which was spent on ITV. Eighty-seven per cent of the population saw it an average of 26 times, 15% of the spots were topped and tailed in the same break and 66% were in consecutive ad breaks.


If you think that is excessive, 10% of the population were exposed to it more than 60 times. We are talking frequency abuse on an unprecedented scale.


Which is pretty damn annoying, my current hate is five's Touchan sponsership bumps either side of CSI. I've seen them all. Enough times already.


MediaGuardian's coverage of the ban


And for anyone who wants to read the whole Guardian articles, of course, they're login-restricted. If only there were a way around such silliness...


BugMeNot? That's so old


Useful things don't have expiry dates


(with the possible exception of some perishable condiments...)


curse you for shooting down my retort before i make it. anyway, point taken, i'll always ask blech before i spool


it's old like Crazy Frog, not old like Cliff


We hate you all. Yes, especially you. Sod off and DIE